I miss the rains... The time I spent sitting on the steps, watching the rain pour down. The droplets splashing on my face and me enjoying every second of it, my mind blank thinking of NOTHING.
I miss my family... I miss Amma, my bestest friend and my source of strength. My confidant who knows almost all my deep secrets.
I miss my Pappa, the first man in my life who taught me to enjoy every moment of this maze called LIFE. The man who would give me the umbrella in spite of my fever and tell me "Go enjoy the rain, this is the only moment you will get."

I miss my brother.. who looks up to me. The widespread genuine smile and the warmth filled hug he gave when he saw me. The tear filled eyes, (though he wouldn't CRY since he was a GROWN UP BOY) and the sadness when he saw me depart . I miss him
I miss my friends...The amazing times spent with them. A wonderful old friend I've known for ages.A great new friend who am equally glad and happy to have found. The "no holding back" talks with them, the hugs and assurance they gave me when I was upset. I miss them. I miss their shoulder. I miss the proximity.
I miss myself. I miss my HOME ... where my heart lies.